Friday 7 March 2014

I don't have dreams, I have goals!

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are well and starting to get that Friday feeling!

Recently I have been thinking about the many things I would like to achieve. I have been studying successful females such as Oprah Winfrey, Kimora Lee Simmons, Victoria Beckham and Vivienne Westwood and they all have similarities in the way they have become successful. Successful people set themselves goals and find ways to achieve them in order to be successful. Once they are achieved, they then set more goals and achieve those too!

So I sat down and made a list of all the things I have dreamt about. Growing up, I always wanted to live abroad, own my home, have a family and run a successful business. I would dream of how my life would be at age 35, age 40 and age 45 and I can honestly say, my life looks fantastic at these ages! I believed that all you had to do was dream and believe and your dreams would come true.

But now I know that in order for your dreams to become true, you have to work hard! You have to think about your dreams and then set small goals in order to achieve the big dream!

Staying motivated and believing in yourself are the main attributes you need in order to be successful and even though I am still only really starting my journey to success, I feel that I will meet each and everyone of my goals and live that lifestyle that I want for myself and my family. Don't get me wrong, there are days when I feel down and feel like I am not progressing. There are days when I want to give up and just go and get a full time job so that I have regular money coming in. But then I think, that is not my dream and in the words of Lupita Nyong'o:

I absolutely adore this young lady and watching her performance in 12 years a slave was just breath taking and she completely deserved to win her Oscar for Best Supporting Actress! And the fact that she has been able to achieve so much at such a young age, really motivates me to do something incredible with my life! Lupita I salute you!

So I will continue to work on my clothing brand, Mini Men UK which is now being sold at The Prince's Trust shop- The Tomorrow Store in Moorgate, London.

You can also take advantage of Mini Men UK's sale which is currently taking place on our website

Hope everyone has an amazing dream and remember to set your goals and achieve!

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